According to Mind (UK) currently 1 in 6 workers are dealing with a mental health issue such as anxiety, depression or stress. The knock on effect can result in employees not functioning well at work which in turn affects their working performance.
Many companies have access to Employee Assistance Programmes that provide employees with early access to a confidential talking therapies, counselling or employment advisory service in times of crisis or mental distress.
The use of online or computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has gained popularity in recent years and can offer a useful and convenient way for those living with mental health issues to understand and treat your own overwhelming problems by breaking them down into their smaller parts.
CBT is based upon the interaction between situations, thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions and provides a pragmatic, solutions focussed approach to managing negative thoughts and emotions. It can help to change how you think (`cognitive`) and how you react (`Behaviour`) to allow you to see things differently which in turn help you to feel better.
For more information on CBT, please click here
This article discusses some different examples of online CBT and provides you with some guidance on how to access it.
Beating the Blues
Available at:
What is it?
Beating the Blues offers free computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for those living with experiencing mild to moderate depression and/or anxiety. It has been recommended for use in the NHS by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Beating the Blues offers you learn how to cope with anxiety and depression using a problem solving approach. It does this by helping you to understand those triggers for your thinking process and change those unhelpful ways of thinking which can have a knock on effect on your feelings.
What does it involve?
Beating the Blues consists of eight, one hour sessions that are completed each week on either a computer or tablet.
How do I get access?
You will need to visit your General Practitioner to gain a referral to this service. Currently, only certain health boards have access to this service so it is important to find out whether this is available in your area.
If your General Practitioner does have access to the service and you are referred to Beating the Blues, they will contact you shortly after to provide you with a code to access the service.
Mood Gym
Available at:
What is it?
Mood Gym is an independent computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme developed by the Australian National University. It uses five interactive modules designed to help you to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Mood gym helps you to identify those difficult emotions that you are living with, then helps you to develop coping strategies to overcome them.
What does it involve?
Mood Gym is an online self-help programme that is structured to an interactive self-help workbook. As you progress through mood gym, you will be asked to answer questions about your thoughts and feelings which will allow MoodGym to provide you with useful feedback on those answers.
There are five interactive modules that you can choose whether or not you complete them (it is recommended you do) with the provision of summaries and quizzes designed to allow you to progress to the next section.
Mood gym is a subscription based programme which costs $39 - Australian dollars (approximately £23) for 12 months access. Subscriptions are available for employers who can provide `tokens` to gain access.
Living Life to the Full
Available at:
What is it?
Living life to the full (LLTTF) is a self-help life skills training package that is based upon a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approach. This is a package written by Psychiatrist - Dr Chris Williams. An independent review conducted by NHS England identified LLTTF as one of the most recommended online resources for anxiety and depression.
LLTTF provides you with a range of life skills that aim to improve your overall level of emotional wellbeing and resilience. It provides you with the information necessary to empower and equip you to understand how you feel like you do and provides you with the necessary skills to change your sleep, become more assertive, calm anxious worries and be more compassionate with yourself.
What does it involve?
LLTTF offers modules including worksheets to print off and use that serves to act as `tools` to use in your life. Living life to the full gives key information in clear language and has a variety of modules available to support you.
How do I get access?
You will be able to access various self-help guides covering conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic and sleep problems. At the press of a button, you can obtain information on organisations, services and other self-help materials such as Self-help Guides that can offer advice, support and information.
Available at:
What is it?
The MoodJUICE site is designed to offer links to further self help information and advice to those experiencing troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions.
What does it involve?
MoodJUICE offers various self-help guides covering conditions such as depression, Bereavement, anxiety, stress, Chronic pain, Obsession and compulsions, post traumatic stress, Shyness and social phobia, panic and sleep problems.
How do I get access?
Information is presented in the form of free self-help guides via NHS Inform Scotland. The user will be forwarded to further helpful information and treatment strategies with a click on the most appropriate health issue.
Available at:
What is it?
The E-Couch site is a is a self- help interactive programme with modules for depression, generalised anxiety & worry, social anxiety, relationship breakdown, and loss & grief.
What does it involve?
It provides evidence based information and teaches strategies drawn from cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal therapies as well as relaxation and physical activity.
How do I get access?
E-Couch is free of charge. The user will be required to register in order to sign in, but the author`s are clear to state that the information remains confidential.